Budget Process/Timeline

*​Opportunities for public participation are noted in bold bullet points


  • Revenue projections (sales, property taxes, etc.) are estimated for coming year​


  • Funding (projected revenues) is allocated to Departments
  • Departments begin creating spending plans


  • Department budgets are refined and adjusted


July 1- New Fiscal year begins


  • Implement budget
  • Monitor state budget



  • Public outreach about next fiscal year's budget begins​. The public can be more involved by:
    • Signing up for County News Alerts to receive important information about budget hearings, budget workshops and budget education tools
    • Reading the County's "Budget in Brief" summary document on the Budget home page​ to learn where the planned spending comes from, how the County plans to spend it, fiscal issues facing the County and budget concepts and processes, all in plain language
    • Utilizing the Budget Explorer Tool to see the County's budget by buudget unit and expenditure details in graphic format
    • Serving on one of the County's advisory boards


  • Begin working on next fiscal year budget


  • Public can attend virtual budget workshop and view in real time and offer feedback, or watch the video later and email suggestions to budget@saccounty.gov
  • Complete year-end review
  • Monitor revenues and expenditures – adjust as necessary